General DentistAs a general dentist in Albuquerque, we want to help you and your family to remain in excellent oral health. To do so we focus on preventative care and education.  We believe that if you don’t understand oral health it will be more difficult to keep your teeth and gums in good condition.  As such, we encourage questions and dialogue during dental appointments and have compiled our answers to some frequently asked questions here.

How often do you recommend that I brush my teeth?

Ideally, we would like to see you brush your teeth three times a day. You should brush in the morning, after lunch, and before bed.  This will give you the best shot at preventing cavities and gum disease so long as you are also brushing correctly.  You need to brush for two minutes at a time, in a circular motion, moving plaque away from your gums.  You also need to use a soft toothbrush that is replaced every three months and a fluoride toothpaste.  This will give you the best clean, just remember to floss as well.

Why are my gums irritated every time that I brush?

If you notice that your gums hurt or bleed when you brush them, the first thing to do is to replace your toothbrush. Yours may be too hard, and you may be brushing too aggressively.  Use a soft toothbrush that is replaced every three months for the best results.  If your gums continue to feel irritated, you probably have gum disease.  This is a condition where the plaque builds up on the surface of the tooth, underneath the gum line.  It can make the gums bleed, recede, and even lead to tooth loss so this is not a symptom that you want to ignore.  As a general dentist in Albuquerque, we encourage you to call anytime that your gums are bothering you.

What is the process of treating a cavity?

If you have a cavity, we will start by removing the decayed portion of your tooth.  Next, we will clean the area in order to remove any bacteria and plaque.  We will then need to use a filling to restore the tooth structure that was removed.  This process is fast and can be finished in less than an hour while keeping you comfortable.

I noticed that my teeth are more sensitive than they used to be, how come?

If you don’t have a cavity or infection, your sensitive teeth are likely caused by the erosion of your enamel.  This is a common condition that can happen with age, due to poor oral hygiene, or a diet that is high in acidic foods.  Once your teeth have become sensitive, your best course of action is to have dental crowns placed on your teeth in order to prevent anything from touching and irritating them.

Can you do something to fix my smile?

Absolutely, as a general dentist in Albuquerque, we have several options for doing so including placing dental crowns and dental veneers.

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