If you have ever wanted to ask an Invisalign dentist, "Is Invisalign the best option for me?” the following guide will provide some basic facts to help you better understand the advantages of Invisalign and how these aligners can benefit you.
Invisalign Guide
Why Crooked or Misaligned Teeth Should Be Straightened.
Undoubtedly, the primary reason behind most people’s decision to straighten their teeth is a cosmetic one. Showing a number of crooked teeth or an unsightly gap makes most people very self-conscious about their smile. However, there is another and even more important consideration. From a medical standpoint, it is often the case that crooked teeth trap plaque and make it difficult to brush properly.
Crooked teeth end up enabling the buildup of plaque and bacteria, contributing toward tooth decay. Thus, having misaligned teeth straightened not only gives a patient a smile that he or she can be proud of, but it also reduces the risk for tooth decay and gum disease.
Can an Adult’s Teeth Be Straightened?
Contrary to popular opinion, braces are not only children or young patients. Although a young person’s bones are still relatively soft and it is far easier to adjust a child’s teeth than an adult’s, people of any age can benefit from straightening treatment. It is certainly true that modern braces are farther along than in the past, but they are not nearly as comfortable as Invisalign®.
However, none of these improvements take away from the fact that most people do not care to be seen with a mouth full of metal for an extended period of time. This brings us to the question answered by an Invisalign dentist: “Is Invisalign® the best option for me?”
What Are Invisalign Aligners and How Do They Work?
Invisalign® aligners are clear, plastic trays that are custom-molded to fit snugly over the teeth. They work by applying steady and gentle pressure on the teeth. The aligners gradually and painlessly move the teeth into alignment. As the teeth move, the bony sockets below them also adjust and change shape.
The straightening of the patient’s teeth works in stages that means the patient will switch out to a different aligner every two weeks or so. At each stage, the patient will notice that the aligner does not fit perfectly in the beginning. The aligner will move the teeth into position throughout the process. Once the teeth are in the proper position, and after a short stabilizing period, we will repeat the process with the next aligner in the series.
Invisalign® vs. Conventional Braces
There are several distinct advantages to Invisalign® aligners, including:
Level of Comfort
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