General Dentists Explain How Cavities Form

general dentist Albuquerque, NM

Do you think a general dentist only performs dental procedures? While general dentists do perform many types of restorative and cosmetic dental procedures, they also place a large focus on educating their patients. Patient education is essential, as this allows patients to understand what they can and/or need to do in order to experience good dental health.

General dentists

Want to be educated by your general dentist? Caring dentists teach and inform their patients on certain dental processes that support healthy teeth and gums. If patients have questions, they should feel comfortable asking their dentist, as there is no one better to get dental-related information. Common topics that dentists educate their patients on include how to properly brush and floss, how to care for certain dental restorations, what foods to eat and avoid and how to prevent cavities from forming.

How cavities form

The information below is from a general dentist on the topic of how cavities form.

Stage 1

The first stage of cavity formation is seeing white or brown spots on the tooth, as this tends to be the earlier signs of tooth decay, a.ka. cavities. It is possible to avoid an actual cavity by brushing the teeth two to three times a day and flossing one to two times a day during this first stage, which can prevent any stage-one spots from moving on to the second stage.

Stage 2

The second stage of when cavities form means that the spots of minor decay have now gone into the tooth’s enamel. This surface layer of a tooth is very hard, as it is meant to protect the tooth from any type of injury, including decay. Even so, neglecting to care for one’s teeth means that decay can indeed break through this hard layer, leading to a more severe cavity.

Stage 3

The third stage is when the decay begins to enter the soft layers of the tooth. This third stage means the decay is now destroying the inside of the tooth’s structure, which tends to happen quickly because it is easier for decay to destroy the softer layers vs. the hard enamel layer.

Stage 4

The fourth and final stage of cavity formation means that the decay is going to cause tooth loss if the tooth is not treated by a dental professional. Cavities need to be filled, or they will only continue to get worse, which can lead to other tooth problems. Since cavities are caused by decay, it is possible for this decay to spread to the rest of one’s teeth, which is something to avoid.

Preventing cavities

Helpful tips dental patients can follow in order to avoid getting diagnosed with one or more cavities include avoiding consuming any sugary foods or drinks, using a quality toothpaste that includes fluoride, brushing teeth at least twice a day, flossing at least once a day and making regular dental appointments with a caring general dentist.

Are you ready to make an appointment?

Need a general dentist? General dentists are the type of dentist everyone needs, as they are your primary care dental provider. Just like your primary care doctor, you also need to find a dentist who can provide you with the regular and optimal dental services that you need to experience a healthy mouth. If you have any questions for us or are ready to make an appointment, we hope to hear from you today.

Request an appointment here: or call Family & Cosmetic Dental Design at (505) 359-2289 for an appointment in our Albuquerque office.

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