Dental Checkup for Damaged Tooth Pulp

Dental Checkup Albuquerque, NM

You might need to have a dental checkup to see if you need a root canal if the pulp gets damaged. The pulp could get hurt because of trauma or an injury, and untreated oral health issues can also cause it. A dental checkup is a tool your dentist uses to determine if you need further treatment, like root canals. Keep reading to learn more about what a dentist looks for during a dental checkup for damaged pulp.

The importance of a checkup

Many times, patients get diagnosed with pulpitis without knowing before that something was wrong. That means the dentist plays a critical role in ensuring patients get the necessary treatment. The signs of the issue are incredibly subtle, so it is hard to notice them. Still, there are a few things the dentist will look at during a dental checkup.

Problems with the gums

The gums might bleed or look swollen. That could be a sign the patient has gum disease, or it might indicate pulpitis. It can cause the gums to swell since bacteria are infecting the gums inside. That means the issue has gone to the tooth’s roots.

Bleeding gums are a sign of gum disease but can also indicate pulpitis. It is a sign of a more severe form of the condition. It means that the bacteria have traveled down the tooth’s root and gone to the gum tissue. Then the bacteria start to infect the rest of the mouth.

Problems with the teeth

The amount of toothache a patient has will vary. That means even a minor toothache can be an issue and show an underlying problem. The tooth might look discolored as well. That indicates that there is a bacterial infection.

In many cases, a pulp infection might also cause the rest of the nerve tissue in the area to get infected. That causes damage, making the teeth highly sensitive. The patient might notice that one tooth is more susceptible to cold or hot temperatures. Sometimes, the sweetness can also cause sensitivity in that tooth.

Having bad breath

If there are a lot of bacteria in the mouth, they can go through metabolism. That might lead to a bad smell in the patient’s mouth. The patient can more do flossing and brushing. But there might still be bad breath. In that case, it might indicate that there is an infection, which requires a root canal. The dentist will ask the patient about oral health habits during a dental checkup.

Choosing a dental checkup today

If you feel you have one of these signs, it might be time to get a dental checkup. That way, your dentist can examine the pulp to see if you need further treatment. If you do not treat the condition, you could end up with many health issues. You can choose the right dentist to care for your problems. Making an appointment today is your first step.

Request an appointment here: or call Family & Cosmetic Dental Design at (505) 359-2289 for an appointment in our Albuquerque office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dental Checkup in Albuquerque, NM.

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